If you’re looking for a vacation that finds the perfect balance between adventure and freedom – look no further than a road trip! After all, not only can you cover more ground on this holiday, visiting multiple destinations at once, but you can do it all at your own pace, too.
With that in mind, here are some useful tips for planning an unforgettable road trip!
Rent out a car.
There are many benefits associated with renting out a car during your road trip, as opposed to using your current vehicle. For example, if you were to rent out a car from a luxury dealership such as LLX Car Rental, you can ensure that no matter where you travel, you do so in style!
Plan your route carefully.
Whether you’re planning to traverse from the north to the south of Argentina or follow a route a little closer to home, it is important that you plan out your journey as carefully as possible. After all, this will enable you to make the most of every second of your trip, whether you’re trying to visit as many tourist attractions as possible or travel a specific distance.
Fortunately, thanks to technological advances, you do not need to plan your route the old fashioned way. Instead, you can use software such as MapQuest Route Planner to figure out the most convenient route from A to B.
When getting behind the wheel, you should ensure that you use driving aids such as Google Maps that provide real-time updates. For example, this can alert you to heavy traffic ahead so that you can follow a different path if necessary.
Give yourself time to rest.
Ensuring that you give yourself plenty of time to rest is one of the easiest ways to stay safe while on a road trip. After all, a recent study “by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimated that 328,000 drowsy driving crashes occur annually.” This is because driving while fatigued slows down your response time and makes you more prone to distractions.
You should take a break every two to three hours and get around seven hours of sleep each night. If you’re traveling with another person, split the driving duties evenly among you to reduce fatigue and burnout.
Pack plenty of snacks.
Packing plenty of snacks can also make your road trip more enjoyable, as you don’t need to pull over at an often-questionable gas station each time you feel hungry. As such, you should ensure that your car is stocked with easy-to-access and non-perishable snacks throughout your trip, such as chips, nuts, and dried fruit.
On a similar note, you should also make sure that you drink plenty of water!
Put together a driving playlist.
Nobody likes driving in silence! As a result, you must put together a driving playlist ahead of time that features a range of your favorite songs, from relaxing tunes to sing-along hits. This is often far better than relying on the radio, as the same songs tend to be repeated over and over.